The process for most web site design and redesign projects follows the
steps below. For small business sites, see our small
business web design process.

The process is also outlined below in more detail:
- Client completes questionnaire for initial needs analysis
- Client and Stellar Communications (SC) review functionality needs and
discuss of top-of-mind options for ASPs or custom programming.
- SC conducts research into ASPs/CMSs, if needed:
- Research proposal
- Current site functionality assessment
- Detailed needs documentation
- Research
- Report Matrix
- Recommendations
- If custom programming is needed, SC writes RFP and submits to programmers.
- SC creates written project proposal outlining stages
and pricing. ASP/CMS and/or programming bids are also presented at
this time.
- SC writes timeline
- Client, writer or SC creates site outline
- Client or writer develop
site copy
- Art for site is gathered or developed (logos, photos, illustrations,
- SC presents design concepts for client feedback
- SC creates XHTML+CSS template(s)
from finalized concept(s) and conducts browser testing
- SC plugs template(s) into ASP/CMS development system, if applicable
- SC performs page production
- SC coordinates Search Engine Optimization (SEO), if requested
- SC conducts quality assurance and forms testing
- Client reviews site
- Site launch on designated date
- SC conducts basic search engine registration
- SC and client make training or ongoing
maintenance arrangements
- Promotional activities surrounding launch discussed and implemented
by client or SC.