Every digital file format uses a different color space, so they will each produce different results when viewed or printed. Read more about color proofing.
.EPS files
How they are different from other formats: These files are scalable,
which means they can be sized up without damaging the resolution or becoming
"pixelated" or fuzzy. They are flexible and can be saved as GIF,
TIFF or JPEG files if you have the right software.
How they are used: EPS files are used only by designers, printers,
sign/banner companies, specialty item printers, etc. Do not open or try
to insert EPS files unless you are using a program such as Adobe Illustrator,
Freehand, PhotoShop, Quark, PageMaker, Publisher or InDesign. Basically,
these file types are useless in most Microsoft applications.
Color spaces: These files are the most flexible -- they
can be in RGB (red, green, blue -- what your monitor uses to produce color),
CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black), grayscale, or spot color format.
.TIFF files -
How they are different from other formats: These are typically
high resolution files used for full color or black and white printing by
a commercial printer. They are not upwardly scalable like EPS files are.
They are also good for insertion into documents that you seek to print out
on a laser or ink jet printer. If an online version is needed, they can
be down-sized as a lower-resolution GIF or JPEG file using PhotoShop software.
How they are used: Use these files by INSERTING them into
the program you have open. Never try to just open them by double-clicking
unless you are opening them from some type of photo-editing program like
PhotoShop. To insert these files in MS Word, go to the Insert Menu, then
scroll down to Picture. Insert picture from file. You may down size the
images with good results. Making them larger will not usually yield good
results, but scaling them down will work fine.
Color spaces: These files are in CMYK, bitmap or grayscale
formats. They cannot be used for spot colors.
.GIF files -
How they are used: These are low-resolution files for use
in Power Point presentations and web sites or online ads. The transparent
versions can be used when you have a patterned background in Power Point.
How they are different from other formats: They are for
use online and on-screen only, not in print.
Color space: GIF has its own color space specific for use
on screens.
.JPEG files
How they are used: These files can be low or high-resolution files
and are the file format most digital cameras produce. In their low-resolution
format, they are used online and in Power Point.
How they are different from other formats: They cannot
be made to be transparent as GIF files can be. They are used more for reproducing
photographs online whereas GIF files are used for line art images with fewer
colors. The high-resolution version of these files can be changed into TIFF
format for use in printed pieces or can be left as-is for insertion in MS
Word documents.
Color space: RGB only
Low-resolution files vs. high-resolution files
Low-resolution files will only look good when viewed on a screen, not in
print. High-resolution files will look good on both screen and when printed.
High-resolution files are generally 300-1200 DPI (dots per inch). Low-resolution
files are 72 DPI.